So now we have a stage musical version of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. If you have small children and would like to take them to see a musical, this is your opportunity.
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So now we have a stage musical version of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. If you have small children and would like to take them to see a musical, this is your opportunity.
The eve of the New Year 2013 in Melbourne saw the Australian Premiere of the much-acclaimed drama War Horse. It’s no wonder that this play has received such high accolades.
How do you follow-up a 2009 Tony Award winning Broadway performance in the Australian production of Ionesco’s Exit the King ? You get nostalgic and wax lyrical about the golden days of the Broadway musical of the 1920’s.
Saturday night, the 10th of June Tony award winning performer Faith Prince opened Melbourne’s new showroom for professional cabaret performance in Melbourne.
Two musicals had their Australian premieres in Melbourne in January. One was a World Premiere the other the first International production of a Tony Award winning Broadway hit.
Musicals Around The World with Peter Pinne including Billy Elliot, Mary Poppins, Altar Boyz and Broadway on Broadway.
Whether you like Dirty Dancing or not a great miracle has occurred in Melbourne, Australia. It is the birth of the newest form of theatrical entertainment to arrive in heritage theatres around the world, THE STAGE SHOW.
What do Menopause and Mamma Mia! have in common? More than you might imagine.
It’s been a long time between major New York style Musical Theatre events in Melbourne. To sustain the drive of the Broadway musical there are frequent occasions available for New York audiences to hear the musical theatre stars of Broadway sing shows tunes live.
t present the only major venue in Melbourne offering regular cabaret fare is Capers in Hawthorn. To their credit, the new owners lead by David Cameron have re-configured the space to the advantage of both the performers and the audience.